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The EdgeX V4.0 “Odesa” Release Is Now Available

The Odesa release of EdgeX is the 14 th community release by the EdgeX Foundry since the project’s inception in 2017 and continues the trend of producing new and improved platform releases on a regular basis.

EdgeX 4.0 becomes the latest long-term support (LTS) release from the community. The key theme of the release is the availability of new features needed for many industrials deployments and the continued openness and vendor neutrality with respect to the use of third-party open-source components.

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What is in the EdgeX Odesa release?

Major new deliveries in this EdgeX Foundry 4.0 release include the following major changes and additions:

    • PostgreSQL as the default EdgeX database
      • Needed for the industrial-grade storage, integrity, performance, backup, and restore capabilities that many of our industrial users have requested
      • Redis licensing has also changed to a BSL so PostgreSQL becomes the default DB in EdgeX and can support all of our edge persistence needs
      • A Redis container is no longer delivered with EdgeX, but code remains if users wish to continue utilizing Redis or its Linux Foundation forked implementation named Valkey
    • New Time-Based Support Scheduler service
      • Replacement of the original EdgeX reference service with a full time-based scheduling solution supporting durations, set times, days, intervals
      • Utilizes Go-Cron as the basis for timed control
    • Core-Keeper replaces Consul as the EdgeX configuration and registry service
      • Consul is completely removed from EdgeX and the App and Device Service SDKs
    • OpenBao replaces Vault as the EdgeX secret store
      • OpenBao is a Linux Foundation fork of Vault with an open-source license more compatible with EdgeX
      • Vault is completely removed from EdgeX and the App and Device Service SDKs
    • MQTT replaces Redis PubSub as the default EdgeX message bus
      • MQTT is the most prevalent open-source message bus available from a range of different providers
      • Redis PubSub is completely removed from EdgeX
    • New Python App Services SDK
      • A Python-based SDK for building custom application services in EdgeX
      • Supports similar capabilities as existing Go-Lang App Functions SDKs

EdgeX Foundry 4.0 is a new major release and therefore may not be backwards compatible with the previous EdgeX V3 series. However, we have taken every effort to ensure that the API and user apps developed with V3 will be compatible.

For a more detailed description of the changes and updates to the latest release, please see Odesa Release Note.
The source code for all EdgeX releases can be accessed on GitHub. Release branches are tagged with the associated release name (e.g., Odesa)

Future Releases and Roadmap

To provide EdgeX Foundry users with a predictable foundation on which to base their commercial offerings, a goal of the project leadership is to outline key themes of future releases as far in advance as possible.

• The list of all previous EdgeX releases is described here
• The list of all currently planned EdgeX releases is described here
• The roadmap is defined by the EdgeX Technical Steering Committee with details here

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Keywords for: Our Latest Release | EdgeX Foundry, Open Source Edge Platform

linux foundation edge, edge software platform, open edge software, free iot platform, open iot platform, edgex foundry, edge iot, edge software, iiot platform, EdgeX, EdgeX