The Linux Foundation
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The Odesa release of EdgeX is the 14 th community release by the EdgeX Foundry since the project’s inception in 2017 and continues the trend of producing new and improved platform releases on a regular basis.
EdgeX 4.0 becomes the latest long-term support (LTS) release from the community. The key theme of the release is the availability of new features needed for many industrials deployments and the continued openness and vendor neutrality with respect to the use of third-party open-source components.
Major new deliveries in this EdgeX Foundry 4.0 release include the following major changes and additions:
To provide EdgeX Foundry users with a predictable foundation on which to base their commercial offerings, a goal of the project leadership is to outline key themes of future releases as far in advance as possible.
• The list of all previous EdgeX releases is described here
• The list of all currently planned EdgeX releases is described here
• The roadmap is defined by the EdgeX Technical Steering Committee with details here
linux foundation edge, edge software platform, open edge software, free iot platform, open iot platform, edgex foundry, edge iot, edge software, iiot platform, EdgeX, EdgeX